Next Class Starts August 10, 2023
It all starts with the Pet Trainer Class and the next class starts August 10th, 2023. Day and night options. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10-11:30am for the day class and 6-7:30pm for the night class.
Learn to train pets for paying clients. Learn a method of training dogs that is transferable to the owner. Professional dog trainers train dogs for other people, they get paid for training those dogs, and this method is the best to build a profitable business and help lots of dogs and their owners.
Once you complete this 8 week online course you visit Madison Florida for a 2 week certification that includes hands on work with multiple dogs and a week long business bootcamp to help you build your business plan and create your new future.
Top Tier K9 Certified Pet Trainers are ready to start and run their own dog training businesses and can even open their own Top Tier K9 Franchise if they qualify.
The next step is the Intro to Foundation Dog® Training. 8 weeks of learning the basics for teaching a new puppy to track, find specific odor, perform advanced obedience and protect. This 8 week live online course is conducted without a puppy allowing you to focus on learning the how to before investing in a working line puppy.
Once you are ready, you obtain a working line puppy, from our Litters on the Ground program or from your own reputable breeder and jump into the Foundation Dog® Trainer class where expert instructors and certified Master trainers help you apply what you learned in the Intro to Foundation Dog training class and begin buildings you puppy from the ground up. This is live online every Saturday.
Now you have your own dog training business and an amazing demo dog, your Foundation Dog® that blows away the competition. Use your demo dog to increase your client count and begin building wealth for you and your family.
With Top Tier K9, you then have the chance to obtain Master Dog Trainer status in 3 disciplines. Service Dogs, Protection Dogs and Special Security Dogs. We even offer advanced business training classes.
Top Tier K9 is recognized as one of the top dog trainer schools in the world and beginning August 10th you have the chance of joining the next class of Professional Dog trainers. Isn't it time you became your own boss? The Professional's Choice