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Certified Dog trainer School
Certified Dog trainer School
Certified Dog trainer School
Certified Dog trainer School
Certified Dog trainer School
Certified Dog trainer School

Academy for Dog Trainers

The Top Tier K9 Dog Trainer School is designed using Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy, advanced Internet technologies, and an industry first Virtual Reality Dog Trainer system with K9 associated Augmented Intelligence (AI), to take you step by step from knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis levels of learning allowing the future dog trainer to go as far as they desire with the ability to "jump off" at strategic points to maximize potential and minimize investment in time, energy and money. 


We have the only programs that provide our students with business, project management, sales and marketing support to help them start and manage their own dog training businesses.  Our franchise system puts our students on the map and our dog trainer program includes actual project management and business training as part of the curriculum.

Our Internet based programs are "Live On-Line" and our campus programs are "Live On-Campus".  We don't send you to video libraries and expect you to figure out the right way to learn.  We meet you in our classrooms and we teach you, the old fashioned way through verified and validated levels of learning.  All of our programs have our certified instructors face to face with our students in every learning platform, live on-line and live on-campus.


You do not have to certify with Top Tier K9 to enjoy the value of our classes. Many of our students are seeking professional development or simply taking our classes to enjoy learning how to train their own dogs for service, protection, sport, or simply as obedient family pets.   

It all starts with the online Dog Trainer Class where you learn to train dogs for other people.  Dog trainer techniques must be transferable to the owner and the dog is not trained until the owners are trained as well.  We teach you to do this successfully using our proven techniques and methods of dog and human training.  We are the only dog trainer school with certified master dog trainers and certified (and award winning) teachers of human beings.

You can then move into the Pet (certify as a pet and master pet trainer) and/or the Foundation Dog® trainer program.  The Foundation Dog Trainer  program is where you learn to take a working line puppy and train it in tracking, scent detection, protection/apprehension, and off leash/advanced obedience.  Once certified as a Foundation Dog® trainer you will have one of the best demonstration dogs anywhere  to promote your skills and your dog training business and you have the option to enter any or all of our masters programs to learn how to finish a Foundation Dog® as a Special Security Dog, Service Dog for people with disabilities, executive/family protection dog, or a sports dog. 

Dog Training Programs

Academy for Dog Trainers

Professional Training Programs

We offer two unique paths for dog trainers:  Pet training and working dog (Foundation Dog) training.  You can do both and if you choose that we recommend completing Pet Training Certification prior to entering Foundation Dog Training but that is not a requirement.

Pet Trainer Program

  1. Pet Trainer Class: Live On-line

  2. Pet Trainer Certification: Live On-Campus

  3. Master Pet Trainer with Certification

Foundation Dog® Trainer Program

  1. Pet Trainer Class: Live On-line

  2. Intro to Foundation Dog® Training:  Live online

  3. Foundation Dog® Trainer: Live On-line

Decoy/Helper Training Program

  1. Safe Catch Decoy Training Program On-Campus

  2. Safe Catch Decoy Certification Live On-Campus


Certified Top Tier K9 Pet trainers are eligible for on-campus internships.  This is a competitive opportunity 

Masters Programs

Service Dog Trainer Program

  1. Service Dog Training Program Live On-line

  2. Service Dog Training Certification On-Campus

Special Security Dog Trainer Program (Virus Detection)

  1. Special Security Dog Training Program: Live On-line

  2. Special Security Dog Training Certification: On-Campus

Executive/Family (Protection Dog) Trainer Program

  1. Protection Dog Training Program: Live On-line

  2. Protection Dog Training Certification: On-Campus

Advanced Business and Project Management Workshops

  1. Business Development Workshop On-Campus

  2. Project Management Workshop On-Campus

  3. Advanced CRM and Public Speaking work shop On-Campus


Professional Pet Trainer Program: 7 Weeks Live On-Line


7 weeks Live on-line:  This is the entry level course for all of Top Tier K9's Dog Trainer Programs (Pet and Working Dog). All attendees must complete this training and pass the tests associated with this training to move to the next level of training.

All about dogs and the dog training industry.  How to read dogs and communicate with them, new techniques and offerings in the world of the dog training business: Live On-line.  Face to face with our instructors right through your computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone.

  • How dogs Communicate

  • Marking and luring

  • Classical and operant conditioning

  • Training equipment

  • The basics of pet training

  • Health and nutrition

You will need access to a dog(s) for this training beginning week 4. (any untrained pet will do) so that you can practice and show your work for instructor review and evaluations.  This is hands on training. Live On-Line .  Face to face right through your computer, laptop. or tablet.  We demonstrate to you and you show us you can apply the training techniques to a pet.

  • Advanced Training Equipment

  • Markers, Rewards and Corrections

  • The Art of Dog Training:  Conflict Management

At the end of this class you will be tested and evaluated on your skills as a pet trainer. If you are successful in that testing and evaluation process, you will go to Top Tier K9 Milton Florida Location (Top Tier K9 - Blackwater Bay) for a week where you will train under the watchful eye of a certified Top Tier K9 Instructor. 

Introduction to Foundation Dogs® : On-Line Self-Paced

This is the working dog path after finishing the Pet Trainer Class. The best working dogs start as Foundation Dogs and students will learn how to train a puppy through 3 phases of working dog elements that include teaching a puppy to:


  • Track (humans and animals)

  • Find specific odor (narcotics, explosives, viruses)

  • Perform protection (personal protection)

  • Advanced obedience (conditioned retrieve, off leash work, sendouts for bites etc..)


You will have access to all the supporting video training as a streaming service or DVDs and will be tested on how to teach a dog to track, find find specific odor, protect you, and perform advanced obedience.  You do NOT need a puppy for this introduction class.  You will learn how to do it all in this class and can then sign up for Foundation Dog® Trainer/Litters on the ground when you are ready for a puppy and want to take that puppy through these phases with our support. (Once you get a puppy it is a 12 week process meeting live online each Saturday to train together)

At the end of this class you are eligible for the Foundation Dog® Trainer program outlined below.  The Trainer programs are launched in line with our "Litters on the Ground" program so that amazing, world-class Malinois/Dutch Shepherd, German Shepherd, and Golden Retriever puppies will be available to you.  


Pet Trainer Certification

Students travel to Top Tier K9's main campus in Milton Fl. (Top Tier K9 - Blackwater Bay) to demonstrate their new skills.


The student has 1 week to certify as a Pet trainer (it is intense).  Requirements are to demonstrate proficiency with the skills learned during the hands on training accomplished in the Pet Trainer Class under the watchful eye and mentoring of some of the industries top dog trainers and entrepreneurs.  This 1 week is the test for certification, you must be prepared to pass the certification before you go to Top Tier K9 - Blackwater Bay.


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Master Pet Trainer with Certification

This is the newest addition to our certification portfolio.  This certification is required for Top Tier K9 franchisees and is included in the franchise license.  Non-franchisees can apply to attend this training and certification. Approval is at the discretion of Top Tier K9 management based on a Certified Pet Trainer maintaining good standing in his/her community and with the Top Tier K9 organization.

This training and certification prepares Top Tier K9 Certified Pet Trainers to manage and train dogs with severe behavioral issues as well as teaching the owners of the dog how to maintain the dog after training.  

Building on the Top Tier K9 command sequence and the successful application of our training method, a student learns how to utilize pressure techniques for dogs that may be reactive to traditional corrections, may not have the food or toy drive to want to work for the trainer, and may be "instinctively intact" meaning closer to the wolf in their lack of desire to please a human (non-compliant).  Additionally this training is of tremendous value for trainers who live in jurisdictions that do not allow corrective collars in training.

Students will learn how to recognize dogs that will need these techniques, learn how to apply these techniques using equipment and processes that have been perfected by Top Tier K9.

This training and certification adds new tools to the trainers toolbox allowing him to effectively train  all dogs regardless of the dogs behaviors and helps empty shelters by training dogs with severe behavioral issues while helping the new owners manage the dog effectively, greatly reducing the recidivism of shelters and rescues

Foundation Dog® Trainer: 12 Weeks Live On-line


Top Tier K9 has developed a one of a kind puppy imprinting and forecasting system that we teach to our students.  It incorporates effective project management processes and advanced working dog training techniques to teach students how to plan for and predict their training programs based on the desired use of their dogs with the health and welfare of the dogs as the top priority.  Recognized by the US Patent and Trademark Office as Top Tier K9s "Foundation Dog" program.

This is outlined in our Litters on the Ground Program and each class begins when one of our litters is 8 weeks old,  


Plan your work and work your plan.  This requires our students to comprehend working dog training and project management processes before they acquire a puppy for use in the program.  Something no other training program even tries to accomplish.  Once our students comprehend the working dog program and processes, they then acquire their candidate puppy from our Litters on the Ground program.

After creating their training plan our students acquire their puppy and begin the formal processes of training their working line puppies based on the Top Tier K9 Imprinting and Forecasting plan developed in the previous class creating their very own Foundation Dog®.


We assist our students every step of the way using proven learning and teaching techniques that ensure our students comprehend the material before they apply the training to their new puppies.  Our expert staff will analyze and evaluate each students performance and provide any needed adjustments to help our students become certified Top Tier K9 Foundation Dog® Trainers.


Live On-Line with our certified and professional staff


Foundation Dog® Tier 4 Trainer Certification 

Students who pass all requirements to get to this level of training have proven themselves to be strong prospects for adding working dog offerings to their pet training businesses.  


We actively recruit the best in the business in protection, detection, search and rescue, pet trainers, working dog trainers, veterinarian and kennel owners/managers.  Men and women who have proven themselves as great leaders, trainers, and business people.


Students take their freshly trained puppies (now working dogs) to our main campus in Milton Florida to show off their skills for evaluation on techniques, quality performance, and capabilities as working dog trainers for mentoring and additional hands on work in their discipline(s) of choice.  Students also create their business and marketing plans at the end of this portion of the training.

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Master Service Dog Trainer Certification

Top Tier K9 Certified Foundation Dog® Trainers are eligible to become a Certified Service Dog Trainer.  

Our students learn how to select a Foundation Dog® for use in the service dog industry, how to analyze the future owner of a service dog, effectively match that service dog to the owner, and then finish that dog for use as a service dog.

Training also includes:

  • Training a Foundation Dog® to become a service dog

  • Teaching people with disabilities how to manage their service dogs

  • Proofing Foundation Dogs® into the service dog arena

  • Common needs of the service dog industry

  • Health and nutrition of a service dog

  • On-going support for service dogs and their owners

  • ...and so much more


Classes are Live On-Line for 10 weeks followed by an online certification test and a Zoom based dissertation requirement (additional fee required).  The process takes the trainer into the Synthesis level of learning relying on the levels of learning achieved within the Pet and Foundation Dog® Programs.  Each trainer MUST train and sell/place a service dog as part of this certification.  Average duration is 1 year between the 10 week online training and eligibility for certification.  

Certified Safe Catch Decoy/Helper 

Our students learn to create protection dogs at all levels of a dogs life-cycle and development opportunities.  Becoming a Certified Safe Catch Decoy/Helper ensures that our graduates can effectively manage the on-going support necessary to ensure a protection dog continues to grow and improve.

Training includes:

  • Teaching people how to manage their protection dogs

  • Proofing working dogs into the protection dog arena

  • Common needs of the protection and sports dog industry

  • Health and nutrition of a protection dog

  • On-going support in protection dog legal requirements

  • Personal injuries common in the the Decoy/Helper arena and how to avoid them

  • ...and so much more


Classes are Live On-Line for 10 weeks with a Live On-Site certification for 2 weeks.  The process takes the trainer into the Synthesis level of learning relying on the levels of learning achieved within the Pet and Foundation Dog Certification Programs.


Master Special Security Dog Trainer Certification

Top Tier K9 Certified Foundation Dog® Trainers are eligible to become a Certified Special Security Dog Trainer.  

Our students learn how to select, train and finish a Certified Foundation Dog® for use in the Security Dog industry (Security and Virus detection).

Training also includes:

  • Training a Foundation Dog® to become a Special Security dog

  • Teaching people how to handle and manage their Special Security dogs

  • Proofing Foundation Dogs® into the Special Security dog arena

  • Common needs of the Special Security dog industry

  • Health and nutrition of a Special Security dog

  • On-going support for Special Security dogs and their owners

  • ...and so much more


Classes are Live On-Line for 10 weeks followed by an online certification test and a Zoom based dissertation requirement (additional fee required).  The process takes the trainer into the Synthesis level of learning relying on the levels of learning achieved within the Pet and Foundation Dog® programs.  Each trainer MUST train and sell/place a Special Security Dog as part of this certification.  Average duration is 1 year between the 10 week online training and eligibility for certification.  


Master Executive/Family Protection Dog Trainer Certification

Top Tier K9 Certified Foundation Dog® Trainers are eligible to become a Certified Special Protection Dog Trainer.  

Our students learn how to select, train and finish a Certified Foundation Dog® for use in the Protection Dog industry (Executive Protection and Family Protection).

Training also includes:

  • Training a Foundation Dog® to become a Protection dog

  • Teaching people how to handle and manage their Protection dogs

  • Proofing Foundation Dogs® into the Protection dog arena

  • Common needs of the Protection dog industry

  • Health and nutrition of a Protection dog

  • On-going support for Protection dogs and their owners

  • ...and so much more


Classes are Live On-Line for 10 weeks with an online certification test and a Zoom based dissertation requirement (additional fee required).  The process takes the trainer into the Synthesis level of learning relying on the levels of learning achieved within the Pet and Foundation Dog® Programs.  Each trainer MUST train and sell/place a Protection Dog as part of this certification.  Average duration is 1 year between the 10 week online training and eligibility for certification.  

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Professional Breeder Certification

Top Tier K9 Certified Foundation Dogs® require high-level working line puppies, properly bred, tested and whelped for introduction into working jobs across the USA.

Our students learn how to select strong and healthy dams and sires, health test and monitor both, conduct proper breeding processes, manage, support and whelp working line litters, and prepare those litters to be trained as Foundation Dogs.  The importing of puppies into the United States in now illegal.  This requires the US to develop strong breeding programs for the sale and distribution of high quality working line puppies.  Top Tier K9 Certified Professional Breeders will have the training and skills to accomplish that.

Training also includes:

  • Health and Nutrition of dam, sire and puppies

  • Emergency Management

  • Comprehending detailed health panels

  • Predicting litter capabilities

  • Proving litter capabilities

  • Responsibilities and ethics of breeding

  • Sales and Marketing

  • ...and so much more


Classes are Live On-Line for 10 weeks with an online certification test (additional fee required).  The process takes the trainer into the Analysis level of learning.   

Advanced Business Development and Project Management Training 

Jeff Minder, founder and CEO of Top Tier K9 is an award winning teacher and entrepreneur.  Jeff has created a one of a kind project management process used to forecast, imprint and train pets, working dogs, dog trainers and dog owner/handlers.  This process is proven and replicable allowing graduates to effectively train all types of dogs and their owners.


Jeff has been recognized as one of the top entrepreneurs in N. America as well as one of the best dog trainers in the world. He shares his ideas and processes used to start and manage successful businesses through the entire dog training program.  His business analysis and project management courses have been taught at several US colleges and universities as well as at Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Crowley Maritime Services.

Now recognized as the World's Greatest Dog Training Company, Top Tier K9 was developed from the ground up using world-class project and program management techniques/processes, effective business analysis and curriculum design/development, and a quality assurance program second to none.

Classes and Prices Effective 1 January 2025

Prices are subject to change without notice.  Each class is paid for separately, allowing students to gain knowledge and select the next level of training only after they pass the previous level.  This allows students to determine if they have what it takes to be a successful dog trainer BEFORE committing to thousands of dollars of training.  Only TTK9 offers this form of certification path. 


Additional costs are associated with expenses for travel and living expenses at Top Tier K9's Milton Florida Campus for Pet, Foundation Dog, Service Dog and Decoy/Helper Trainer Certifications.  The Pet Training Program requires pets to practice with during the class under the eye of TTK9 certified Instructors via your computer or tablet webcam.  Foundation Dog Trainer Program requires an investment in one working line puppy and the care and feeding of that puppy, this puppy can continue to be used in the master programs.


There are no refunds.  You pay for each class as you determine you are ready for it.  Once the class is completed, provided you pass the class, you will be invited to attend the next phase of training.  There is no guarantee that you will certify .  If you are not motivated, if you do not dedicate the time and effort to accomplish the requirements, you should not sign up for this program.  Not everyone is capable of becoming a Top Tier K9 certified dog trainer and to maintain your certification requires dedication to honesty, integrity and ethics. Those who prove they are not honest, lack integrity, or intentionally violate business ethics will have their certifications revoked, with no refund of any kind.

Pet and Foundation Dog certifications are held in Milton Florida.  There are several hotels and Airbnbs within 6 miles of the Milton facility. There is no student housing available except for interns.

Top Tier K9 provides it's standards, encased in our certification programs, to an industry without standards.  Through this application of world-class dog training and human education we train students to become Top Tier dog trainers and business professionals.  We are not a government controlled college or university, We do not accept any government money to include the GI Bill or any government grants. Those who accept government money are 100% controlled by the government and government controlled schools have landed the United States at #27 in education.  Top Tier K9 is #1 in the world and that is because our students pay their own way and take accountability for the success of their education.

© Copyright 2015 - 2024 Top Tier K9. All rights reserved. The Gold Standard of the Dog Training Industry - Contact us Address: 3011 Garcon Point Rd.  Milton Fl 32583 / +1 (850) 909-2409

Foundation Dog® and Top Tier K9® are registered Trademarks of Top Tier K9, LLC all rights reserved

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