The New Year: The New Opportunities
Our January-February Pet Trainer class has jumped started the new year for Top Tier K9. 25 students learning to train pets with 100% committed to Pet Trainer certification beginning March 6th. This class marked the first full integration of our Virtual Reality Dog Training Center allowing our students to perfect the command sequence with proper rewards and corrections on a Virtual Dog prior to demonstrating their application level of learning skills on a real dog. 10 students are entering our February 1st Foundation Dog® Trainer Program sporting brand new puppies from our Litters on the ground competition. 10 B5/Ringo pups, 6 Tokio/Mexx pups and 2 Sabi/Mexx pups all made the cut for the program. This is massive test of the Top Tier K9 breeding program, integrated with the Foundation Dog® Trainer program. 10 new students, 2 franchisees, and 4 student/interns will all participate in this class. Litters are from Holland, Canada, and Madison Florida. A head to head test of our Litters on the ground program.

Forgotten Coast K9 has sponsored a student in this class using our Build a Battle Buddy program. Blake was a combat medic serving in the US Army and has already been spending time at Top Tier K9 learning to train his puppy from the B5/Ringo litter. I predict greatness from this team! ( 5 students (so far) are entering our Service Dog trainer Masters Program beginning 28 March, 2023.
Our next Pet Trainer class is March 23rd, 2023 and that will lead into our next Foundation Dog® trainer class beginning in May 2023 and that will introduce 3 new litters of Top Tier K9 puppies. Holland, Canada, and Madison Florida will all be represented in that Foundation Dog® trainer class as well. Students are not required to use puppies from our Litters on the ground program for the class. They can acquire their own puppies for the training but we will always have quality puppies available each time we run a Foundation Dog® Trainer program. 4 new Franchise Candidates are represented in this current class with openings of new franchises being planned in Colorado, Alabama, Indiana, and 2 more in Florida this quarter.

Version 3.0 of our Virtual Reality Dog Training Center is in development with a cool new feature allowing people in the metaverse to find Top Tier K9 franchisees, access real-time support using their headset cameras, microphones and speakers and the introduction of "watch the trainer do it" demonstrations of advanced training techniques.
Our company is growing at warp speed and we are launching call systems, internet systems, and expanding opportunities for our franchisees. Look for new ways to interface with Top Tier K9 coming this quarter.

You can do it all at Top Tier K9. No other program offers what we offer and none of them can provide the level of business training, development and support provided by Top Tier K9: The Professional's Choice is not just a tag line, it is simply a fact.
Learn to train pets for other people in our Pet Trainer Class
Learn to start and run your own dog training business and prove your skills at our Pet Trainer Certification
Learn to train puppies to track, find specific odor, protect and perform advanced obedience at our Foundation Dog® Trainer Class
Learn to add working dog sales to your business and prove your skills at our Foundation Dog® Trainer Certification
Learn to train and sell protection dogs in our Protection Dog Trainer Masters Class
Learn to train and sell service dogs in our Service Dog Trainer Masters Class
Learn to train and sell special security dogs in our Special Security Dog Trainer Masters Class
Pass the final test to become a Certified Master Dog Trainer AFTER you actually train and sell finished dogs
Start a Top Tier K9 Franchise and let us lead the way for you in your own community.