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The Newest Top Tier K9 Certified Pet Trainers

This was our third class so far in 2023 with another class starting in just 2 short weeks. We have trained and certified close to 60 new pet trainers this year alone. To put that in perspective, we certified approximately 170 trainers in the previous 7 years. We are on track to train and certify more than 100 new dog trainers in 2023 bringing our total impact to the dog training industry at approximately 270 Certified Pet, Foundation Dog® and Master Dog trainers across the globe in our first 10 years.

The demand for Top Tier K9 certified dog trainers is growing rapidly. Recognized as one of the top dog training programs in the world (many say #1), Top Tier K9 teaches aspiring dog trainers how to train pets for paying clients, how to start and run their own dog training business, how to train Foundation Dogs® and finish those dogs as service dogs, protection dogs and special security dogs (Masters program). We also offer a franchise system to the best of the best who qualify to carry the Top Tier K9 flag into their own communities.

With 3 corporate locations Top Tier K9 is focused on quality and expansion in 2023-2024. Pet training, Foundation Dog® Training, sales of protection dogs, service dogs, and special security dogs, our Virtual Reality Dog Training Center and our Franchise system, and of course our Dog Trainer School that brings it all together. The human training side of the dog training industry is best accomplished by Top Tier K9 above all other programs.

During this same time we conducted a Foundation Dog® Trainer Certification (ended just last week) that produced 6 new Foundation Dog® Trainers with amazing demo dogs for their businesses and franchises that track, find specific odor, perform advanced obedience and provide owner protection. Top Tier K9 owns the US Trademark for Foundation Dog® and is the only provider of certified Foundation Dogs® and Foundation Dog® trainers in the world.

During this same time we conducted a Service Dog Trainer Masters class for Foundation Dog® trainers that teaches students how to finish Foundation Dogs® as service dogs and to add service dog sales to their existing businesses. During this class we were contacted for a service dog and we completed the entire process to include training the service dog owner, finishing the service dog for deployment and worked with the owner and dog during this class. A 7 week turn around was accomplished and these service dog trainer Master students were able to participate from start to finish. You can read all about Trevor and his service dog that also protects, Top Tier K9 "Gamma"

What does all this mean to you? Well, we have built the best dog trainer program in the world and we are SCALABLE to meet the needs of the dog training industry for decades to come. If you are going to invest your money and time in learning to become a dog trainer, there is no better option than Top Tier K9.

Our next Pet Trainer class begins June 1st with certification the week of July 31 and Business Bootcamp the week of August 7th. Join the the dog trainer program that is recognized as the professionals choice. Become a great business person and a great dog trainer in the same school. Learn to train dogs for actual clients, not just to give your sports dog a shot at a ribbon but a program that can create life changing wealth and opportunity for you and your family. Top Tier K9 is the Professional's Choice.

Foundation Dog® is a registered trademark of Top Tier K9, LLC


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