New Innovations from Top Tier K9
Version 3.0 of the Top Tier K9 Virtual Reality Dog Training Center is nearing completion. In this newest release we have accomplished the following:
Improving and increasing communications between our franchisees and our VR users with an integrated map and bios.
Provided more comfort and relaxation for our VR users
Added a companion dog to the study room so video viewing and research is more relaxing
Easier control of the pinch collar when fitting to the dog
Full integration with the new Meta Quest Pro headset
Introduction to Foundation Dog® training for VR Users
Beginning process to elevate from the apps lab to full Meta acceptance of our learning platform
Our Franchise system is only 6 months old and we will have 5 franchises by the end of March. That is on track to be 3x the average for non-food franchises in year one of a new offering. We have incorporated a "find a trainer" program in our Virtual Reality Dog Training Center and end users can now find and immediately access a certified Top Tier K9 location through their VR headset. This will allow VR users to learn about dog training, hang out with a virtual dog while they watch learning videos and participate in training sessions using a balanced approach to dog training, and then immediately contact a Top Tier K9 representative to access our other products and services.
The Metaverse is our 4th Corporate location and our development in the metaverse helps to drive additional business to our real-properties, and the properties of our franchisees for pet training services and to acquire service dogs and protection dogs through certified Top Tier K9 locations. We will be adding other interfaces to include certified Top Tier K9 Trainers and our newest affiliate locations for VR users to access.
We launched our Aurora Colorado franchise 2 weeks ago and are signing the Indianapolis Indiana franchise agreement next week. This will be followed by a new franchise in Tallahassee Florida and a certified affiliate surge throughout the great state of Texas. We will have more than 6 certified Top Tier K9 Trainers in Texas within 12 weeks with a goal of 30 by the end of the year. These will be a mix of pet and Foundation Dog trainers attached to boarding kennels that include grooming and veterinarian services. Look for many more Certified Top Tier K9 trainers popping up in your own community very soon! Our Winter 2023 Foundation Dog® "puppy competition" is showing us exactly what we hoped it would. That our dog trainer program is at the top of the industry and our litters on the ground program is without peer. Amazing dogs and amazing dog trainers. We are working with a production company to help document the progress and information will be included in an upcoming documentary about our company and it's many successes.
It all begins with our Pet trainer class. next class is March 23rd, 2023 with day and night options. Visit to sign up.
