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New Happenings with Service Dogs

Top Tier K9 will be featured during season 2 of "Unleashed - Dogs without Limits" for our work in the service dog industry, for our recognition as the #1 working dog trainer school in the country, and will be providing training tips to the audience through an ask the trainer segment that will be contained in every episode of season #2.

Watch season 1 episode 5 covering Top Tier K9 and our COVID-19 detection dogs

What does this mean for our hundreds of students and certified dog trainers across the world? It means they will be sought out for training by the anticipated 4.5million viewers of the show. We promote our students, our certified graduates and our affiliates with everything we do on a national and global level.

To Tier K9 created the "Build a Battle Buddy" program. Disabled veterans and first responders learn to train their own service dogs. This 30 week program provides all the professional instruction necessary for a student to receive a high level working line puppy, train the puppy as a Foundation Dog and then finish that puppy as the student's own service dog. Students from the July 2021 class, hosted by Forgotten Coast K9 will be at Top Tier K9 at the end of January to certify with their dogs and will be featured on the show.

Top Tier K9 created the "Buy a Battle Buddy" program for disabled veterans and first responders who are unable to train their own service dogs.

Top Tier K9 created the ESDogs program ( We help raise the funds to save shelter dogs in our certified trainers communities. We find folks within those communities who are in need of an Emotional Support Dog. We then pay the certified trainer to train the shelter dog as an emotional support dog. We use our world-class Academy for Dog Trainers to train the recipient of the ESDog in all aspects of caring for and managing their new dog. Our certified trainers get the credit in the local community which draws good attention to their own businesses. A dog gets recued and a human gets a needed companion. This is another differentiator between Top Tier K9 and all other dog trainer schools. We help our graduates, we help them with their businesses, and we help in their communities.

The service dog industry is changing, and Top Tier K9 is the leader in these changes. We put a fully trained service dog with a person with disabilities in as little as 8 weeks. Other companies take as long as 5 years, if they ever actually place a dog. When people make charitable contributions to "service dog charities" that money almost never creates a service dog for someone with disabilities. The corruption in the industry runs deep. Top Tier K9 has chosen as our charitable partner in solving the need of service dogs and emotional support dogs for people with disabilities, with honesty, integrity and quality assurance. This is a part of the success of putting organizations together in preparation for the next level of American Entrepreneurship.

Learn to train dogs and start your own dog training business the the absolute best school in the world. Top Tier K9: The professional's choice.


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