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Big Happenings at Top Tier K9

We have more programs, more employees, more class offerings and more facilities to expand into. I wanted to share the news with you and keep you up to date on our work.

COVID-19 Detection: With the national coverage of the success of our work training the worlds first dogs to hunt for

and indicate on COVID-19, we are pleased to see a world-wide acceptance and non-K9 based scientists begin to accept the fact that a dogs nose is STILL better than modern technology. Our K9 based science will now be a permanent part of the worlds efforts towards mitigating viruses that are natural or manmade for the foreseeable future. Top Tier K9 has developed processes, equipment, test systems and verification programs that will allow us to rapidly train and deploy hundreds (if not thousands) of dogs to confront the next pandemic...before it becomes a pandemic. Our Foundation Dogs® lead the way is scalable K9 platforms that can be modified rapidly to face new challenges while supporting current needs. (see the Oliver North interview about Top Tier K9 here) (see the Unleashed K9: Dogs without Limits - Television episode about Top Tier K9 here)

Municipality Leasing Program: Cities, counties and states can now lease Foundation Dogs finished as special security dogs, Police/Military K9, Virus detection dogs, Bomb dogs, Narcotics detection dogs, protection dogs etc... from Top Tier K9 under a monthly payment plan. No more large capital requirements that fall outside of an ever tightening budget. Now a unit can decide on hiring another officer, or using the same monthly projections to deploy 5-6 amazing Top Tier K9 instead. This program includes handler training, ongoing support and troubleshooting, and a trade in program that allows fresh dogs to be deployed while providing a retirement plan for existing dogs. Top Tier K9 can even provide your high level K9 management services for units that are unequipped or simply want to outsource that part of their current budgets.

Academy for Dog Trainers: While we were helping to confront the great pandemic, we expanded our Academy for

Dog Trainers by offering day and night classes. We have always had a program based on levels of learning that allowed us to use the internet to get our students to a shared/common level of learning (comprehension) then used our onsite facilities and staff to help the student obtain an application and analysis level of learning (see Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy). Hundreds of individuals working from home were able to take advantage of our programs during the pandemic, certify as professional and master dog trainers, and change careers without ever wearing a mask! Top Tier K9 became the "Professional's Choice" for those wanting to start a real career/business in the dog training industry. We are now rated as the #1 working dog trainer school in the nation and have an international certification program with students from all over the world attending our Academy for Dog Trainers. Litters on the Ground program: Top Tier K9 has added a breeder training and certification program to our Academy for Dog Trainers. Starting off with great puppies is critical to building Foundation Dogs® that can deploy with military units, hunt for viruses, provide personal and family protection, and become amazing service dogs for disabled veterans and first responders. We have dozens of world class puppies coming into our expanded facilities each quarter to go through our Foundation Dog® program. We provide quality assurance and testing programs for our certified breeders so they can provide us, our students, and their outside customers with the highest quality puppies available.

Build a Battle Buddy: Top Tier K9 now has a special, 30 week program, for disabled veterans and first responders to learn to train their own service dogs. This program is funded in part by the veteran or first responder (25%) and the remaining costs are covered by participating/certified charities and matched by us, Top Tier K9. This is by far the greatest opportunity for disabled veterans and first responders to acquire a service dog that is trained by them with help and oversight from the #1 working dog trainer school in the country. We will impact the "22"...the average daily veteran suicide rate in America. Dogs save lives and service dogs that also protect, empower the disabled veterans and first responders to rise to new levels of success!

Facilities expansion: We now have an additional 4,000 sq feet of covered concrete and custom drainage systems to allow an additional 60 outdoor kennels that are totally sanitary, safe, secure and cooled with high powered fans. Four, 15 dog pads are juxtaposed with fenced in fields and separate training facilities to allow us to train 24/7 without waking the other dogs. This allows our trainers to work in multiple shifts ensuring constant security and attention to our amazing Foundation Dogs®, clients dogs, and new Litters on the ground!

Thank you for staying up to date on Top Tier K9. if there is ever anything we can do to improve or to assist our clients, we do it. The dog industry is a tough industry. Genetics and genetic issues are as common in dogs as they are in humans. One must accept that a dog is NOT a computer and requires love, respect, and consistency is relationship...just like humans do. Love your dogs, they stay loyal to those who do. We will be at the K9-Cop Magazine conference 13-17 September in Nashville Tennessee, come look us up we will not be hard to find. Sincerely, Jeff Minder, CEO Top Tier K9 2409 SW CR 360 Madison Fl 32340 (850) 321-3253


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