Service Dog Training
Top Tier K9 will be conducting an on-line service dog training class that is open to the public. This class teaches you about owning a service dog, caring for a service dog, and maintaining the training of your service dog.
Service dogs are working dogs, they are not pets. They perform life saving and life enhancing tasks for their owners with disabilities and must be cared for in a way that allows them to continue their jobs of service to their owners. Emotional support dogs are not service dogs and do not command the same legal protections as a service dog.
This class is extremely useful for business owners and managers who want to learn how to deal with customers who have real service dogs and will provide information to help you identify fake service dogs.
This entry level course is a required course for attending our service dog handler course (owners training for a Top Tier K9 Service Dog) and our service dog trainer course (how to finish a Foundation Dog® as a service dog).
Saturday February 22, 2020 from 9am - 12:00 noon and costs just $95. Register here
Learn more about Top Tier K9 and our training programs at