Top Tier K9 Foundation Dog®
Pre-order your Top Tier K9 Foundation Dog®! We have over 30 puppies coming into our Madison Florida training facility beginning next week (December 1, 2019). Belgian Malinois', Dutch Shepherds, and British Labrador Retrievers.

Our puppies are from the finest stock available in the US, Canada, and the Netherlands. High drive puppies that are selected specifically for their genetics and disposition to enter the toughest and most comprehensive dog training program around; the Top Tier K9 Foundation Dog® training program.
The puppies will be imprinted on 50 specific elements that roll up into 4 functions; tracking, scent detection, advanced obedience and protection/apprehension.

The dogs are each professionally trained by Top Tier K9 certified working dog trainers with daily monitoring and quality assurance oversight. At 7 months old the dogs that complete the program (certified Foundation Dogs®) will then be ready to enter our finishing school to become a Law Enforcement K9, Military K9 (including explosives detection), Sport Dog, Executive/Family Protection dog, hunting dog, or Service Dog for people with disabilities.
The Top tier K9 Finishing School is where the new owner gets involved in the training. A certified Foundation Dog® is matched with the buyer and the finishing school includes the bonding and handler training required to be successful with the dog. We provide internet-based training for you followed by on-site in Madison Florida and follow on at any of our certified Affiliate locations across the nation.

There is no better dog training or owner/handler training available anywhere. A balance between training the K9 and training the human is achieved at Top Tier K9. You will have one of the best dogs available anywhere in the world once you complete this program with your Foundation Dog®.
Visit to learn more and contact us to reserve your Foundation Dog® today at (850) 321-3253
Foundation Dog® is a registered trademark of Top Tier K9.