2019 Catalogue for Law Enforcement Handler Training
New monthly program for Law Enforcement and Security personnel who want to learn to handle a Top Tier K9 Foundation Dog and certify their dog for the street. 4 wednesdays over the internet and 2 weeks on-site for final certifications.

We certify the handler and the dog. The handler learns through our on-line face to face training and then only needs to leave duty for 2 weeks, unlike green dog resellers who require as long as 6 weeks away from duty, Top Tier K9 Foundation Dogs are not provided by resellers but by Certified Top Tier K9 Working Dog Trainers who raise them and train them from puppies to deployment.
Unlike other certifying authorities, Top Tier K9 certifies the handler and the dog in all aspects of deployment:
-Tracking -Off Leash Obedience -Scent Detection -Protection/Apprehension -Public Access -Health and Care of the K9
In addition, buyers have a maintenance option for their K9 for on-going training and support through our on-line Academy for dog trainers and through our affiliate network across the country.