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Amazing Dogs for Sale

Top Tier K9 has amazing dogs for sale. Our Foundation Dog training program produces dogs for a multitude of organizations and private individuals. the dogs are ready for any and all service dogs for people with disabilities, protection dogs for families and executives, and in support of military, security and law enforcement deployments.

Intensive imprinting and training begins at 6-8 weeks old for select working line puppies. Litters are produced through our world wide certified trainers and affiliates using our quality assurance and control programs. Puppies are imprinted and conditioned from birth and begin their training as Foundation Dogs before 8 weeks old.

Our Foundation Dog training program is a 12 week replicable process that imprints, trains and forecasts the competencies of each individual puppy. 50 elements that support 4 functional areas are developed in the puppies and our quality assurance programs help insure a consistent delivery of process and communications. Tracking, scent detection, protection/apprehension, and advanced obedience tasks make Top Tier K9 Foundation Dogs ready for any challenge.

Buyers can select the Foundation Dog(s) they wish to proceed with. We then train the buyer as needed and finish the dogs for the specific mission. Our human training program is flexible and delivers complete training no matter who the buyer is. We can improve the capabilities of military/LE trainers or start from scratch with brand new working dog owners, regardless of experience. We train individuals, families and entire units. Our human training program is as important as our dog training programs..and we deliver high quality on both fronts. Our Academy for Dog Trainers takes the most motivated and dedicated dog trainers around and educates them in proper dog training techniques and the Top Tier K9 proven methods of pet, working dog, and service dog training. The best of the best of these trainers are then recognized as Certified Affiliates of Top Tier K9 providing a Nation Wide training and support system for our buyers. each affiliate runs their own, private businesses. We are not a franchise, we provide training, support and mentoring to young entrepreneurs who believe in the American dream.

Top Tier K9. We train dogs...we build Foundation Dogs...we finish those dogs for their specific mission (service dogs for the disabled, law enforcement K9, Military K9, sport, search and rescue, scent detection,..and more) we train the end users on maintaining the finished dogs, we provide on-going service and support, and we train people to start and run their own dog training businesses.

Top Tier K9 is the Gold Standard of the Dog training Industry. Visit to learn more

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Foundation Dog® and Top Tier K9® are registered Trademarks of Top Tier K9, LLC all rights reserved

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