New Immersion Option for Trainers
Top Tier K9 offers Live On-Line programs that teach people how to train dogs and start their own businesses. We have a pet trainer certification program as well as programs for working dogs, service dogs and specialized certifications for training protection dogs.

Our program is geared for professionals who cannot leave their current jobs, or relocate to a campus to learn the art of dog training. Our students work with us Live On-Line for approximately 38 weeks and then spend 4 weeks on our campus participating in certification testing. We now offer an immersion program for students who prefer to relocate to a campus. The program includes 13 weeks of Live On-Line training followed by an 8 or 10 week immersion program that is Live On-Site. Students can stay in our student housing on campus and walk to our state of the art training facilities for their dog trainer programs and their business and project management training. ADA compliant facilities, safe parking and living conditions for students, and amazing training facilities supported by some of the best dog trainers and business trainers in the country. We help our students become great dog trainers and amazing entrepreneurs. no other dog trainer program even comes close...they don't even try. Top Tier K9 is the gold standard in the dog training industry, check us out and learn why that is a fact.