New Training DVDs to ship July 4th.

Top Tier K9 has finished production of our new training DVDs that round out our pet and working dog training programs. No where else can consumers acquire dog training programs that take the learner to the application level of learning under Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy, using Internet and DVD technologies for pet and working dog training. Our system is designed to be used by serious dog owners who want to train their dogs to be more than just pets. Advanced obedience, protection, scent detection, tracking, as well as a complete imprinting and forecasting program designed to help the dog trainer make a comprehensive plan to train their new working line puppies for the first 20 weeks of ownership. This level of training was once only available to military and law enforcement personnel or by spending years at schools and attending seminars around the world. Top Tier K9 has created the best DVD based dog training package available. The system is designed to take the learner to the appication level of learning (hands on) and supports the processes we teach in our Academy for Dog Trainers. This portion is designed for the dog owner, to achieve an even higher level of learning, you can attend the Top Tier K9 Academy for Dog Trainers that teaches you how to do this work for a living, training other peoples dogs in protection, scent detection, tracking and advanced obedience.