We all want to believe our dogs will protect our homes and family but the reality is most dogs will run away when confronted by a real bad guy unless they are properly trained in protection.This DVD is designed to be used with our basic and advanced obedience programs. Do not attempt to train a protection dog without training that dog in serious obedience. A protection dog without obedience is a danger to you, your family and your neighborhood.Dogs bite. It is important to teach the dog when and how to bite and have control over the process. Training a protection dog is a dangerous process and you, the trainer will probably be bitten many times in the process as your dog learns to target specific body parts. Make sure to have all the proper equipment and follow the proper processes as outlined in this DVD.
Teaching Your Dog to Protect You and Your Family
- We all want to believe our dogs will protect our homes and family but the reality is most dogs will run away when confronted by a real bad guy unless they are properly trained in protection. This DVD has been designed to teach you how to train your dog in protection. You will learn how to build your dog’s prey drive, increase his desire to bite, teach him how, when and where to bite, and help you control your dog in an emergency situation. A must have for all serious dog trainers and owners. 1.Protection Equipment 2.Drive Building 3.Line Bites 4.targeting body parts 5.drag-ins for bites 6.send-ins for bites 7.obedience for bites 8.scenarios for testing your dog