News You Can Use
Top Tier K9 continues to hit the mark in our core offerings, and Q4 2022 is shaping up to be a "super growth" quarter.
We opened up corporate location #3 in Milton Florida: Top Tier K9 - Blackwater Bay is an amazing corporate owned facility sitting just 2 miles south of Interstate-10, 20 minutes East of Pensacola Florida and strategically positioned within 1 hour of 6 military bases to include some of the most elite Special Operations Units in the world and over 1.5 million potential customers.

Top Tier K9 - Blackwater Bay is a full service facility supporting pet training, Foundation Dog® training, and finishing services for service dogs, protection dogs, special security dogs (including virus detection), and military/LE dogs.
Top Tier K9 - Blackwater Bay is also the central support hub for our national franchising work and our International R&D efforts including our Virtual Reality Dog Training Center and advanced scent detection programs.
We sold our first Franchise and have commitments for 2 more franchises in November. Top Tier K9 - St. Augustine Florida was launched in October 2022 by Mr. Warren Carter of Top Dog Partners (read testimonial) and Mr. Alex Kyle Kaminaris, a Certified Pet and Foundation Dog trainer. Top Tier K9 - Bradenton will launch next week with Ms. Julie Madison, Certified Foundation Dog trainer.

Our Academy for Dog Trainers is attracting more and more high quality students who desire to start and run their own dog training businesses. To date, we have trained and certified more than 150 dog trainers throughout the world. This year we trained students from all across America as well as Angola, Canada, UAE, and France. We train dog trainers who want to start their own, private label, business, we train dog trainers who want to open their own Top Tier K9 Franchise, and we train dog trainers in support of our franchisees and business partners to hire as their employees.
Our Virtual Reality Dog Training Center V2.1 is launching by the end of the year (may be as early as this week). This release is designed to support our pet training customers and most importantly, the customers of our franchisees. This provides a huge differentiator for Top Tier K9 Franchising as the worlds first franchise to support franchisee end users/customers using the metaverse.

Big, big announcement coming Q1 2023 as our Academy for Dog Trainers continues to prove why it is recognized as one of the top dog trainer programs in the world. Next class starts January 12th, 2023 with day and night options.
Visit our websites to learn more
Foundation Dog® is a registered trademark of Top Tier K9, LLC