News You Can Use
October 2021 has shaped up to be one of the best months in Top Tier K9 history. Active students in the Academy for dog trainers is now 48. We have 11 students in the current pet trainer class, 13 students just certified as pet trainers, 24 students in the Foundation Dog® Trainer program with a new Foundation Dog® certification run beginning November 1, 2020. 5 Service dogs were delivered this month and the next "Build a Battle Buddy program will launch in March.

Virus Detection Program: Our virus detection program has caught the eye of major defense contractors. We are currently in talks with one of the worlds largest primes in the defense industry for deployment of our virus detection systems (dogs, deployment, support, certifications, handler training and equipment). We will keep you posted as negotiations move forward.
Build/Buy a Battle Buddy: The first "Build a Battle Buddy" program is doing fantastic with all 4 veterans in possession of their dogs and beginning the work of training the dogs in tracking, protection, scent detection and advanced obedience. This class is sponsored by Forgotten Coast K9. has already raised an additional $40,000 to sponsor the next class. The success of the program is spreading and Forgotten Coast K9 is doing amazing things across the country in the development of service dogs for disabled veterans and first responders.

Academy for Dog Trainers: The next Pet Trainer class is scheduled for 6 January, 2022 with day and night options. There are currently 48 students enrolled in the school. Alyssa Browning is attempting her certification as a Top Tier K9 instructor and has risen to the challenge as the primary instructor of the last 2 pet trainer certifications and assistant instructor in the last Foundation Dog certification. We have added class support via the Zoom interface adding global webinars for our classes. Look for major news Q1 2022 as we expand our Academy for Dog Trainers to include advanced seminar learning in our Masters programs.

Dogs for Sale: We currently have 7 COVID-19 dogs for sale, 24 family/executive protection dogs, and approximately 30 service dogs for people with disabilities. In addition, we have approximately 20 puppies in either phase 2 or 3 Foundation Dog training that can be acquired. We ALWAYS have fully trained dogs in our inventory and have access to many more through our affiliate network.
Foundation Dog is a registered trademark of Top Tier K9. Visit to learn about our programs, support systems, financing options