July 21-22 Protection Dog Seminar
Top Tier K9 - Madison Florida will be conducting a Protection Dog Seminar that will be live online and live onsite concurrently. The live onsite is best suited for people who want to learn to decoy puppies and adolescent dogs that are Foundation Dogs and to work their own Foundation Dogs in some of our advanced scenarios.

Friday July 21, 2023 will start at 6pm until 8 pm
-Meet the team
-Demonstration of Foundation Dog training process
-Protection Dog Demonstration
-Bar opens at 8pm snacks served, fellowshipping
Saturday July 22, 2023 will start 9am until 1pm
-Class on proper decoying techniques
-working current Foundation Dogs® in the program
-work customer dogs
-open discussions
-Bar opens at 1pm with lunch served, fellowshipping
$175 for the live-online Zoom or $350 for live-onsite in Madison Florida. The live onsite includes approximately 2 hours of decoy training and the option to work your own Foundation Dog with our decoys, snacks on Friday night in the bar and Lunch of Saturday in the bar. Bring your favorite beer, wine or spirits. Soft drinks will be available in the bar free of charge. There are Airbnbs and hotels close by. We are at 2409 SW CR 360 Madison Fl 32340. Sign up on the front page of www.TopTierk9.com.